Blockhosts using Python3

Any chance we can get Blockhosts using python3.

I am try to reference python3 and receive the following error:

sudo --verbose
File "/usr/bin/", line 168
except ImportError, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

OS: Ubuntu 12.10
Python Version: 3.2

Python3 and

I currently don't have the means to test it thoroughly, so Python3 support for is probably a few months away.

If someone can test it out - run this command to modify

 2to3 --write 

and use that on a python3 system. Report back any issues here or by email.

Here's a downloadable version of the converted file: which can be used instead. Rename it to and use it on a Python3 system.

Since it will need to support both versions 2 and 3, the 2to3 mechanism is the way it will work in the future also.
It will use distutils to run 2to3 at install time.