Existing uid


I'v just put your script on my site and it seems to work well. One problem was that repeated attempt to attach an exsisting account did not become blocked. Solved this by adding this to ALL_REGEXS in blockhost.cfg

"SSHD-PamFail": re.compile(r"""sshd\[\d+\]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for (?P.*?) from (::ffff:)?(?P\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}|.*)"""),
one line

(This is my first line of python ever, feel free to improve)

What I'm trying to cach is somthing like:
sshd[30117]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for blabla from cpe.blabla.blabla.customer.tele.dk
one line
