Problem when starting up the

FATAL ERROR: Config file Error: invalid line or value found for (LOCKFILE):
ipop3d POP3 -----------------------
Dovecot POP3 -----------------------
Qpopper POP3 -----------------------
invalid syntax (line 2)

What exactly problem with this ? someone can teach me how to solve this matter ?

which version?

This may have been an issue with a previous version, please try the latest version, or comment out the LOCKFILE line if you are not using it.

I am using BlockHosts-2.0.3

now it's work when i do like this;

root@vds# ./

but i can't see the id processes for this script when i'm doing ps aux via root access. It is running already or still not running ? i'm wondering it's not started yet, because ppl still can trying to hacking my server even more then 7 times.

How to make it show the id when we do "ps aux" command ? any idea ?

Thanks for you help.

not a daemon is not a daemon - it does not run in background, it does its thing, and exits, so you will only see it in ps -aux for a very short period.

The INSTALL file has more details on how to run it - with cron, or with hosts.allow commands, how to add debug flags, etc

Does it run already ?

Ic, so its already run once we do this command

root@vds #./
root@vds #

am i rite ? but if like that how we can know that scripts working or not later ? does it showing on /var/log/secure all of the log which has been blocking ?

it has completed

Yes, it has completed its work.

You can run with verbose or debug arguments to see what it is doing, please see INSTALL file and the program documentation.


I hope it's working properly now.

thanks again.