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Third Wave
185 Franklin Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013.
Phone: 212 925 3400 Fax: 212 925 3427
Third Wave is the non-profit sponsor for ``Drown Soda,'' a short narrative film by Nisha Ganatra, New York University.
Third Wave is a national multi-cultural membership orgranization which promotes and facilitates young women's activism for women's rights. Founded and maintained by young women, Third Wave utilizes ongoing national projects and local (New York) programs to get young women of all backgrounds meaningfully involved in social change and in the political process.
Creativity and expression are crucial to community viability and cultural transformation. The process of writing or filming one's beliefs, hopes, or seemingly inexpressible feelings is often instrumental in young women finding their voice and recognizing their power in the world. Sharing their creations with others aids in formation of a compassionate, mutually respectful community. Because young women rarely see themselves in popular culture outside of advertisements for jeans or soda, and because they don't yet own television stations, alternative outlets for seeing and sharing art play a significant role in building a young women's community which emphasizes diversity, political engagement and creative expression.
We at Third Wave believe that Nisha Ganatra's work in film will
further our goal of creating such a community, and that her unique voice
and vision are capable of expanding our ideas of what is possible not only
for film, but for the world.
For this reason, we are proud to be the non-profit sponsor for her film at
New York University.
[signed by Amelia Richards, Chair, Board of Directors, Third Wave]
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Copyright © 1995-2000 Nisha Ganatra,
All rights reserved.
Page produced and maintained by: Avinash Chopde,