Travel Travel reports, it is all about food
Montreal: Schwartz's, Le Petit Alep
Albums: Pictures and some notes
ITRANS Song Book Hindi, Urdu, Marathi song lyrics
Online ITRANS Web Interface
BlockHosts block hosts
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CD Inserts & Envelopes Web Interface
Nisha Ganatra's Films
Cake: starring Heather Graham
Bhaji : You forget abot Garlic for vangyachi bhaji.
Basically I was searching for "dynamic fonts" rendering in firefox on Linux and ccame across this.
You forget abot Garlic. Losanashivay maja yet nahi.
Somehow, I noticed some strong familarity with your web site....By any chance do you have any connection with eastern Jalgaon district in Maharashtra state in India ?
I think we have come across before. Did you have ACZone as home earlier ? If yes, then you are the one who helped me to get started with Linux in 1999 -- Thanks much!!
ACZoom refreshed a lot of memories....nice place.