geomapping and retaining records...

Hi, i have set up the script for geomapping, and all works well, except that as I only have a low number of attempts it only ever shows one or two points on the map.
I was trying to think of a neat and tidy way of having blockhosts also writing the blocked ip info to another file, but having the ips stay in a appending list, and not be deleted after x hours , and pointing the geomap script at that file ...

python coding i have nil idea.. any suggestions for doing this?

why not write another cron script?

A simple solution could be to write a simple script that would copy the data from the hosts.allow script to any other file. You can run this in cron.

Another option, if you feel that it won't lock out legitimate users! - is to increase the amount of AGE_THRESHOLD or the --discard runtime option. The default value is 12 (hours), and you can make this as high as you need, for example, 3 months is approximately 2400 hours.