blockhosts ip routing and freebsd

I recently installed BlockHosts 2.6.0 on a FreeBSD 9.1 server, but null routing does not work. It appears that sometime between BlockHosts 2.5.0 (which I have on a different FreeBSD server) and 2.6.0, null routing was changed from using netstat and route (net-tools) to using iproute2. iproute2 appears to be linux specific.

Was this intended? Are there any workarounds? Is there any reason I shouldn't keep using 2.5.0?



No change in 2.5+ for --ipblock

The --ipblock option has not changed at all after 2.1.2.

Both "ip route" and "iptables" commands have been accepted since 2.2 onwards.

All changes are described in tools/blockhosts/CHANGES.